3 minute read

How Business Intelligence Tells Your Training Story


Ross Sellers

Former Marketing Content Lead

Transform Your Training Reports

Align Metrics to the Six Ways Training Teams Can Drive Real Business Impact

In this two minute video, Josh Amidon, a training coordinator at Administrate, outlines the attributes of Business Intelligence and how Administrate’s reporting engine is specifically designed to help training teams in aligning their metrics to key organizational objectives.


Here’s Your Next Step

Download the Ebook to Explore Strategies for Leveraging These Attributes!

In Administrate’s new ebook Executive Training Insights: Business Intelligence Strategies for Training Organizations, your team will explore how the attributes of Business Intelligence lead to a healthy data structure. Gain insight from two training industry executives, and discover how best to leverage the attributes of business intelligence in your training operations.

Ebook Preview: The Attributes of Business Intelligence



It’s time to change your perspective on what’s measurable. You don’t have to limit your understanding of “numbers” to quantitative data. By the same token, qualitative impact doesn’t have to come at the sacrifice of quantitative data. That means looking for trends wherever they can be found, and asking questions against those trends, once identified.


Trends are repeated, and so is the way in which you capture data about them. Focus your data capture tools on identifying the trends that will be real levers for change. The greatest indicator of employee and customer engagement, alike, is often how people interact with your training. Make sure you’re leveraging repeatable insight that’s actionable.


You should be able to take the data you’re referencing, whether it’s qualitative or quantitative, and use it to take an insightful action that is driven by understanding what that data means to your company. As a learning professional, actionable data can inform decision-making across teams and help to define continued growth for your organization.


How easy is it for you to report on the data you capture? Have you taken the time to create reports that are architected to provide insights about what the data means? Many programs fail to report deeply because it’s too difficult to report on data from multiple sources. The Business Intelligence you provide about training depends on how easily it’s shared.


Training intelligence can be a force for good in driving the business forward. How does the reporting you’re sending to key stakeholders within your organization relate to other growth initiatives, or tell a story about what it means for your learner to engage in a certain way? Align your training program measurements with your organization’s strategic plan for optimal results.

Oriented to ROI

It is time for learning & development to move out of the cost center and into the profit center mindset. Training is more than just a function of the business that must be served. It plays a vital role in how your company will approach change, new markets, and longevity. When you can connect training to profitability you’ll achieve the impact you set out to make.


Get The Ebook Today!


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Ross Sellers was a Marketing Content Lead at Administrate.


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